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Aree di Sosta (Areas of pause)
An Aree di Sosta is a stopping place where you can spend the night in your motorhome.
Some offer facilities for topping up fresh water tanks and emptying waste tanks.
They are provided by local authorities or sometimes by local motorhome clubs.
Parking and service facilities
Although Aree di Sosta is not as common in Italy as Aires is in France there is an increasing number appearing as local authorities realise the value of attracting motorhomers to their district. Facilities vary but are often included with the overnight parking charge. Many Sostas are metered on an hourly basis during the day, but the ticket machine will automatically change to issuing overnight tickets at a certain time – 1800hrs or 1900hrs.
Some Sostas are free, and others are free on certain nights but are charged for on other nights. Look for the sign (like the one in the picture on the left) explaining all this at the site. This Sosta is €5 for the weekend or €3 for a single night at the weekend. It’s free from Monday to Friday and is also free if you turn up after 8.00 pm Saturday and leave before 8.00 am Sunday. Some Aree di Sostas have an “honesty box” system in which you leave your payment, but more commonly there’ll be a ticket machine. During the day it will dispense tickets for parking by the hour, and after a certain time, it changes the hourly rate so you can stay all night at a reduced tariff.
Look for the easily recognised Aree di Sosta signs.

This ticket machine is typical of the type found at Aree di Sostas.This one is provided by the “Comune di Porto Venere” on the Ligurian coast. Press the yellow button for the motorhoome tariff, insert coins until the displayed time covers your intended stay, then hit the green button and the ticket is printed for you to display on your vehicle. The tariffs are printed on the machine. Both high season (alta stagione) and low season (bassa stagione) rates are listed.
The following photos show two views of the facilities at an Aree di Sosta.